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What is CTS?


CTS stands for Church Training Service and is a national program that has existed among Free Will Baptists for over 50 years. It is a tool for churches to help students develop a deeper knowledge of Scripture while also identifying and honing talents for use in the local church. Students select categories for development and then engage in a competition style exhibition at the local, state, and national levels. We want to downplay the competitive nature of this program, though. It is designed to be a ministry development tool and is recommended to be part of an overall discipleship plan.








2025 State CTS Ministry Expo


DATE: April 5, 2025 



Southeastern Free Will Baptist College

532 Eagle Rock Rd, Wendell, NC 27591


Competition Agenda:     9 AM - Check-in

                                          9:30 AM - Opening Ceremony

                                          1:00 PM - Awards Ceremony


CTS Entry Fees:    $20 per exhibition event
                               $35 per single-entry category
                               $65 per group entry of 2-4 people
                               $110 per group entry of 5 or more people


Registration deadline is March 5, 2025





2025 National CTS Ministry Expo


DATE: July 20-23

LOCATION: Kansas City, MO

Visit for more information

8 Steps for Getting Started with CTS

Step 1

Download the Getting Started Guide.


Step 2

Purchase CTS Digital Bundle and get familiar with the competition categories and guidelines.


Step 3

Meet with students & parents.

Pass out CTS Interest Forms (below) and have

students select categories they're interested in developing/competing in.

Assign coaches and practice times.


Step 4

Study. Practice. Repeat.


Step 5

Share with the church and/or community.

Some suggestions:

Have students recite scripture/sing in services or at nursing homes/rescue missions.

Have older students perform dramas for younger children. 

Showcase artwork in the foyer of the church. 


Step 6

Ask  your local association’s moderator/clerk to reach out and see if there are any other churches competing in your association. Each association can only send one competitor per event and age code to the state, except for Bible where two students can advance. If there are no students in your association competing in the same event and age code, then there is no need to host a district competition, and all students can register for the state competition (see step 7.) If there are multiple competitors under the same event and age code, the churches will need to arrange a fair competition to determine who will move forward to the state competition. 


Step 7

Register students for the state competition by paying registration fees and sending a separate registration form (below) for each entry to


Step 8

Come to the competition!

Exercise your gifts and talents.

Get to know other Free Will Baptist students.



For further assistance please reach out to our chairman,

Derek Cominskie at


Getting Started Guide

CTS Interest Form

Registration Form

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